Wednesday, December 9, 2009

PLE Week 14

I completed the Surveys and checked my grade on moodle.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Internet Safety

The article I chose to read for my article of choice was titled "I have a Question" by William C. Porter. Th video resources I watched mainly dealt with cyberbullying and internet predators. I watched all the videos on the pbs website that dealt with teenagers and the internet, as well the animated video developed by the BYU animation department and most videos on the UEN website, and Katie's story. The videos were very informative and really made me aware of all the different resources teenagers and kids have to do harm to each other or themselves.
I think that it is important when dealing with kids to not be to pushy. You want to be careful and not boss them around, otherwise they will push back. By being too controlling, you may be breaking the communication line between you as the adult and the child/adolescent. But you also have to be so aware of what is going on in their lives and what they are really doing on the computer. There are so many big secrets that they may not be sharing with you, things that you need to know. It is important to keep that communication line open, and be firm, but not controlling.
I discussed internet safety with an older parent. He knew about internet predators and porn websites and stuff like that, but he did not know much about cyberbullying or eating disorder sites. I think some things that surprised him was one that most teenagers ignore possible predators on the internet. They know not to give out their personal information. It is the minority that find themselves in such dangerous situations. The eating disorder sites really surprised him. We discussed how most adolescents who fall into that category are those who are depressed or have a low self esteem. They are more easily flattered by the compliments predators give. It was a good and enlightening conversation. He had no clue that sites supporting such a bad habit/disease were out there. We also discussed what the prophet and apostles had to say about internet safety and the tips they give. I think that this adult is now more aware of what is out there. I think the missing game is an excellent resource and hope that perhaps he would think about using it with his family, before a relationship is even created over the internet.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My Mentor Teacher and Technology

The actual classroom in which I attend is pretty limited to the technology that we have available. Within the classroom we have a teachers laptop with internet, a TV, VCR, DVD player, CD player, and an ELMO that we can check out. I have rarely seen my mentor teacher really use the technology besides watching behind the lions on the TV and listening to story tellers or music from the CD player. One thing that I believe she used technology well at however was when she did a read aloud. She began by showing a small clip about five siblings from Utah that all play the piano really well. They play the pianos at once and together to make really cool and interesting sounds. The video ended with them playing a famous classical music song. She then had the children lie on the floor and close their eyes and she played the same song from her CD player. Next she taught them words to the song that went along with the book that she was going to read aloud. At certain points throughout the book, they would all sing the song. It was really cute and the children had a blast. I've memorized the song and thing I will do something similar in my own classroom if resources allow. I know the school I'm at has a computer lab, but so far I have never seen my mentor teacher use it. We are not there the whole day however, so she could be using it and I just don't know about it. It would be nice though to see what lessons are available at the computer lab though. I wish she would use it at a time we are there.

My Lesson Plans

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

videos on technology in the classroom

The videos that I watched on technology in the classroom were really interesting. The first video, Bookends of War (, demonstrated one teacher who really was fired up about using technology in the classroom. One thing that really impressed me about this video were the students. I loved how they all came together as a class to create the web page. I think that everyone was excited to work on the project. I thought it was great that they could all work on one project, and get a long so well. The collaboration was really evident in their classroom. I also thought it was cool how the teacher only taught a handful of students how to do certain things, and in turn these students would teach their classmates. Peer teaching is an excellent way to build up classroom unity. Students learn how to respect each other. The other video, Inside Kapunahala (, showed us how we can bring technology into the classroom as well. I found this interesting because It was across tall the grade levels. first through sixth were all collaborating and working together to create a new story. The whole entire school had excellent unity and children learned to get to know each other in different grade levels. I also liked how technology never died, no matter what grade you are in, it is still a huge part of the curriculum throughout their elementary years. It also helped students with their oral communication and speaking in front of a group. Both situations really did an amazing job at integrating technology across a wide variety of subjects and curriculum as well as make it relevant for students. The students are really excited to work on the assignments because they know that they will use it again and that it does haave relevance in their lives.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Technology in the Classroom

There is a lot of different things that surprised me when it comes to the technology available in my classroom and school. I figured that there would be more, because I thought alpine was a pretty rich district, but it wasn't really as advanced with technology as I thought it would be. There are not any computers available in the classroom for the students. I figured there would be a couple, but there weren't. So the only computers available are in the computer lab. The computer lab does have available 45 mac computers, however, so that is a lot. They also have some good and fun software like kidspiration and kids pix. I know that this is more technology then other schools, so I can't really be disapointed. I complete part 1 and 2 of the PLE.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Science Project

I commented on Heidi, Karyn, and Heather's blog science activity.

From what I can tell the technology is an incredible tool in the classroom for teaching science. Students don't have to just listen to what the night sky looks like and how the stars are pattern, but they can actually see it. Students aren't just told the temperature of different states of matter of water, but they get to compare the differences from a graph, actually showing the students and giving them a visual. Basically the technology that we had to use was great for students to have a more concrete example. Also doing the video would be great to show parents or students who were absent what they missed or what you are doing in the classroom. It's actually really hard to see many downsides to these different instruments. Technology is unreliable at times however, so it is best not to completely rely on it for your main portion of the lesson. If something goes a rye, as it often does, then you need to have a back up plan.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Technology Enhanced Science Activity

For our activity we will be demonstrating the different matters of water; liquid, solid, and gas. The teacher will describe different characteristics of each matter of water with students help. Teacher will hold up glass of water and ask students what the characteristics of water they notice. Students will also have a 3 way Venn diagram to compare and contrast all three stages. Once the liquid characteristics are described, the teacher will then hold up an ice cube, allowing students to determine the characteristics of water when it is in the state of a solid. Students will collaborate and raise their hands in order to tell the different characteristics they know of. Teacher will be writing these answers on the Venn diagram on the board. The teacher will also provide other any characteristics that were missed. Next if available, teacher will heat up a pot of water until steam appears. Teacher explains that water, when it's hot enough, turns into a gas. Students and teacher will determine the characteristics of gas. At this point the Venn diagram should be completely filled out. Next the teacher will use the thermometer. The temperature will be taken of the water in it's solid, liquid, and gas phase. Before the teacher begins measuring the temperature, students can make predictions of how cold or hot they expect each water matter to be. Add the new information to diagram.

The content that will be taught during this activity is the various characteristics of water at each state of matter, while also determining how they are alike and different.
The pedagogy used during this instruction is a mixture of direct instruction, but mostly guided learning, students are allowed the freedom to discover the different characteristics for themselves and make prediction while the teacher guides their learning. We will be using the thermometers that plug into the computer for the technology for this activity. The thermometers will not only provide the degree of what everything is at, but will shows a visual graph which will make it easier for students to visually see the difference in temperature of each water matter. Basically the thermometers will serve as a more concrete visual aide of a more abstract characteristic of water.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Virtual Tour

This virtual tour takes you on the pilgrims journey from Southampton, England to their first settlement in America. I think that the upsides to having a virtual tour assignment for an elementary class are obvious. Children are able to see and experience places the would never get to see otherwise. It's also good for instruction and watching videos online of erosion, volcanoes, dances, and pilgrims. There is so much you could do with this, especially for geography. Each week, children could have the opportunity to visit a different country or place other than where they live. This way they will develop a better picture of how things are in places other than where they live. It's kind of hard to think of a downside, besides it takes a lot of the teachers time to prepare. One major downside I have thought of is that not kids have access to the technology to to the virtual tour and the assignments connected with it. To solve this problem, I think I would conduct the study in class. using a projector, so all students are able to see the different place, and then do an assignment in class each day until the tour is done. I commented on Whitney's, Heather's, and Heidi's virtual tour.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Core Standards

My Google Earth project will cover the first standard of the 5th grade curriculum in Social Studies. The Standard states: Students will understand how the exploration and colonization of North America transformed human history. it Covers objective one, Describe and explain the growth and development of the early American colonies, A: Using maps -- including pre-1492 maps -- and other geographic tools, locate and analyze the routes used by the explorers, C: Identify explorers who came to the Americas and the nations they represented, and D: Determine reasons for the exploration of North America (e.g., religious, economic, political). I chose this topic because I felt like it would be good for students to see the distance the pilgrims covered in their journey, while also being able to explore where they began and ended their journey as it looks like today. Pilgrims coming to America is a big turning point in history and I believe it is important that the subject is covered well. Students will be able to learn more about the leaders of the the Pilgrims as they read online biographies and explore their lives. They are also able to see first had what life was like on the Mayflower for the Pilgrims through a video reenactment. I think it will help bring the subject to life for them, and they will realize that these were real people who deeply impacted our country and what it is today.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Google Earth Outline

Location Activity DescriptionGoogle Earth Content
1.Southampton, England
Follow the three different links and read the short biographies on three different leaders of the Pilgrims. Research further on these three men. Make a campaign poster for one of the leaders, the one you believe would have made the best leader.
2. Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Study the illustration of a small party of pilgrims touching soil for the first time in around 2 months. Read the two paragraphs below. Write a small story about one of the pilgrims in the painting and their experiences and feelings at Cape Cod,-Novem.jpg&imgrefurl=
3. Provincetown Harbor, Massachusetts
Watch the the video. Write about what you think it was about the pilgrims that made them succeed. How did they accomplish such a tremendous feet?

4. Plymouth, Massachusetts
Watch youtube video describing the landing at Plymouth Rock. Write a paragraph describing your the sacrifices the pilgrims made in order to come to America and whether you believe it was worth it and why?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Digital Storytelling in the Classroom

There are a couple of concerns I have about trying to implement this in my classroom. First of all copyright laws are confusing at times, and children might have a hard time really understanding how to get things that aren't copyrighted or how site what is copyrighted, depending on the age group. Also I think that each child is at a different level of knowledge when it comes to technology. Not every child has the same opportunities with the same equipment, so some may be very advanced, but other may not know very much at all. I think it would be hard to show everyone how to do it, and have them remember how to do it and finish it all in class.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

TPACK and Storyboard

TPACK is basically the different types of knowledge that can be combined in different ways in order to accomplishes different tasks and objectives, depending on what one wants the end result to be. This concept is important for teachers to recognize and know because it will effect how they both teach and gain more knowledge. Teachers constantly need to keep up to date with information, especially when regarding technology since it is forever changing and evolving. Technology gives us easy access to more and more information, but in order to gain and retain this information, one has to know how to use the technology to find it. It is also helpful for educators to understand how to use technology to teach, because of the growing number of accessible technology for children. These children in this age will respond more favorably towards lessons that deal with technology. It also allows parents to access the course and makes it easier to get involved. When parents are involved with their child's education, than the child will more likely succeed academically. For the storyboard, we are doing a healthy lifestyle. We have pictures of different, stretches, weight lifts, cardio, and activities one can do to develop, maintain, and enjoy a healthy lifestyle. We then explain how to do it and why each of these different exercise routines is important. This is helpful for teaching students, because it is a visual combined with music and audio for children to more fully interact with. You're not just telling them about having an active lifestyle, your showing them. It is also a different way to do things and adds variety. Students will be more engaged and interested in this type of education. Since is shows visual, they will see first hand how such activities should look and can easily mimic them.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Week 2 down

Wow! What an I assignment. It seemed liked too much and that I would not be able to finish it. But low and behold, miracles do happen. I started this assignment with absolutely zero knowledge or familiarity with one thing we had to do. It took so much time and effort. I often times wanted to knock the computer of the desk, trample it, and then set it on fire, because of all of the frustration I felt. I was able to hold it together, and thankfully not do anything that drastic, and finish. It was nice to see a finished product, and know that I had did all on my own. It was very rewarding. So much of what we learned was valuable, and I learned a lot. Setting up a wiki can be very useful for when I am a teacher. I can post a calender of when things are do and what topics we will cover. The posting of a video is also great because it gives my students more information and a way to get them excited about what is coming up next. Discussion boards is also an excellent resource and can be used as a pre or post assessment on what the kids already know, or what they have learned.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Technology Experience

To often technology and I have been monstrous enemies. I have often told friends, relatives, and acquaintances that I am technology illiterate. How did I get to this dreadful and pitiful state. I believe it began in elementary with typing programs. I was never a fast typist when I was younger, and to this day, I still struggle with speedy fingers on a keyboard. Mostly, I had no real technology experience besides the elementary school typing program and a typing class I took in high school (and yes it was require, just in case you were wondering). For the most part, I learn the bare minimum of what I need to in order to function in society. I can type a paper in Microsoft Word, yes, I can use a cell phone to make calls or send messages, yes I can at times use my friends Ipod, and yes, I can search for things in Google. So I can pretty much do the basics, that which was required for me to get by with school.