Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Week 2 down

Wow! What an I assignment. It seemed liked too much and that I would not be able to finish it. But low and behold, miracles do happen. I started this assignment with absolutely zero knowledge or familiarity with one thing we had to do. It took so much time and effort. I often times wanted to knock the computer of the desk, trample it, and then set it on fire, because of all of the frustration I felt. I was able to hold it together, and thankfully not do anything that drastic, and finish. It was nice to see a finished product, and know that I had did all on my own. It was very rewarding. So much of what we learned was valuable, and I learned a lot. Setting up a wiki can be very useful for when I am a teacher. I can post a calender of when things are do and what topics we will cover. The posting of a video is also great because it gives my students more information and a way to get them excited about what is coming up next. Discussion boards is also an excellent resource and can be used as a pre or post assessment on what the kids already know, or what they have learned.

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