Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Science Project

I commented on Heidi, Karyn, and Heather's blog science activity.

From what I can tell the technology is an incredible tool in the classroom for teaching science. Students don't have to just listen to what the night sky looks like and how the stars are pattern, but they can actually see it. Students aren't just told the temperature of different states of matter of water, but they get to compare the differences from a graph, actually showing the students and giving them a visual. Basically the technology that we had to use was great for students to have a more concrete example. Also doing the video would be great to show parents or students who were absent what they missed or what you are doing in the classroom. It's actually really hard to see many downsides to these different instruments. Technology is unreliable at times however, so it is best not to completely rely on it for your main portion of the lesson. If something goes a rye, as it often does, then you need to have a back up plan.


  1. Great Job!! I think you guys did so well! Your presentation was easy to follow and understand. I could hear everyone, and it flowed smoothly. :) Fantastic job!

  2. Awesome job girls! I really liked the activity you chose and it exciting to watch. You had great pictures as well. I loved it.
